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ADI Elections 2024 - Call for Nominations for the ADI Board of Trustees 2024-2027

The ADI invites Members interested in participating in the leadership of the Association to stand for Trustee representation on the Board for a 3-year term to take effect from the AGM on Saturday 23rd November 2024.

The timetable for the ADI 2024 elections, using the new agreed regulations and roles for Trustees, is as follows:

  • Call for nominations opens – Monday 10 July 2024
  • Call for nominations closes – midday Friday 9 August 2024

Please refer to the documents listed below to find out what the roles involve.

Board members will be expected to attend various meetings a minimum of four times per year in a variety of locations, or virtually as agreed, as well as participating in other ad-hoc subcommittee work. The provisional dates for Board meetings in 2025 (all Mondays) are: 20 January, 24 March, 16 June and 13 October.

The Trustee roles available this year will be:

  • DCP Officer
  • Technician Officer
  • Academic/Education Officer
  • Regional Representative – Scotland
  • Regional Representative - Northern Ireland
  • Regional Representative – Wales
  • Regional Representative – North West England
  • Regional Representative – North East England
  • Regional Representative – West Central England
  • Regional Representative - East Central England
  • Regional Representative – London
  • Regional Representative – South East England
  • Regional Representative – South West England

Clinician Members can stand for and vote on any general Trustee Board role.

Technician and Laboratory Members can likewise vote on general Trustee roles, and can exclusively stand for and vote on the Board role of Technical Representative, who liaises with Technician and Laboratory Members to ensure that their educational interests are being met.

Dental Nurse, Practice manager, Dental Hygienist and Therapist Members can likewise vote on general Trustee roles, and can exclusively stand for and vote on the Board role of DCP Representative, who liaises with provision of support and education relevant to Dental Nurses, Practice managers, Dental Hygienists and Therapists Members to ensure that their educational interests are being met.

The roles of Regional Representatives for various areas of the UK can exclusively be nominated for and voted on by members residing and/or working in those geographical areas.

All Members may vote for the Academic/Education Officer Trustee.


Self-nomination Process:

Members who intend to self-nominate should:

  1. Review the following documents:
  1. Download the Declaration of Conflicts of Interests Form, print, complete and scan/email to no later than midday on Friday 12 July 2024. We will contact you if we feel there is any conflict of interest that might be problematic should you be elected onto the Board or prevent you from standing for election.
  1. Please complete the online self-nomination form, available shortly.

The system will automatically allocate your self-nomination to the appropriate vacancy based on your preference(s) and qualification for the roles which are exclusive to certain categories.

Current Board members who wish to stand for re-election for another 3-year term must undertake the same self-nomination process, provided they have not reached the maximum term of service already or will do so by 23rd November 2024.

Please note that the deadline for self-nominations is midday on Friday 9 August 2024.


Rules Governing Nomination and Voting

If there is only one self-nomination for a post, that person is deemed elected unopposed. If there is more than one self-nomination for a post, then a ballot will be undertaken during September 2024 to determine the outcome. The Executive Director will inform all Members following the self-nomination deadline whether any role is contested and a ballot will be required.


For the Technical Representative post, only Technician and Laboratory Members are eligible to vote (one vote per Laboratory Member).

For the DCP Representative post, only Dental Nurse, Practice manager, Dental Hygienist and Therapist Members are eligible to vote.

For the Regional Representatives posts, only those Members living and/or working in the specific regions are eligible to vote.

The Academic/Education Officer role available may be voted on by all Members.


The results of the Elections will be announced to the membership at the AGM on 23rd November 2024. (The AGM is being held during the joint ADI/Osteology Masterclass at the Royal College of Physicians, London.

Thank you to all ADI Members for your kind participation in this Election.

Richard Cantillon

Executive Director