Implant Restorative One-Day Course - SmileFast Implants
11 June 2022 8:30AM – 5:00PM
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Date: 11 June 2022 8:30AM – 5:00PM
Location: Sheraton Skyline, Heathrow, London
Price: £149
Summary Description of Event
This one-day introduction to restoring implants is designed for GDPs who want to develop their knowledge and practical experience in the restorative aspect of implant dentistry, with a focus on learning how to confidently restore single tooth implants.
This course will enable GDPs to kickstart their career in implant dentistry with the support of the SmileFast Implant mentor team. Delegates then have the option to progress along the educational pathway to the SmileFast PG Diploma Course in Implant Dentistry to develop their knowledge further.
Aims & Objectives
Aims & Objectives
This course aims to provide the General Dental Practitioner with an introduction to the fundamentals and practical application required to restore a single tooth implant.
Delivered by an experienced implant dentist, this one-day course aims to walk you through the prosthetic steps required to restore a single tooth implant.
- To identify ways to expose the single tooth implant site
- Use of healing abutments
- To transfer the implant position using analogue impression techniques
- To compare and contrast analogue and digital impressions for the single tooth implant
- To capture and develop the soft tissue profile using a “S” line provisional crown
- To examine the screw retained versus cement retained crown
- To provide a workflow for the definitive single implant restoration
- To troubleshoot complications and provide implant maintenance
Event Content
Course/Event Content
- Different stages of treatment
- The provisional phase of a single tooth implant restorative journey
- Screw retained versus cement retained restorations
- Tissue management around single implants
- Stage 2 exposure incisions
- Use of healing abutments
- Transfer of implant position to the lab
- Closed versus open transfer impressions – practical
- Abutment choice (temporary or definitive) - practical
- Screw retained single tooth provisional - practical
Event Benefits
Led by Dr Fazeela Khan-Osborne, you will be able to learn how to restore a single tooth implant with the ability to participate in hands-on exercises to give you a chance to practices techniques needed in practice.
Resulting Qualification
7 Hours Verifiable CPD - GDC Development Outcome C
9:00am – 5:00pm
Resulting Qualification
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