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Sponsorship Opportunities for Exhibitors

Want to book?

Click here to access the sponsorship opportunity booking form.

With many of the implant industry’s leading companies displaying their products and services at the event, giving prominence to your company can be a challenge. ADI Team Congress sponsorship offers you the opportunity to support Congress activities, helping you to stand out and make an impact on the huge audience of purchasers and decision-makers.

Sponsorship opportunities are offered to suit every company’s budget.

It is possible to submit your sponsorship request as part of your stand booking, or complete the request separately. Opportunities are open to those exhibiting within the ADI Exhibition Hall. All sponsorship commitments are subject to final approval by the ADI.

Congress Print:

  • Congress Programme - full page - £2,500 sole sponsorship (Booked)
    The essential event handbook! On arrival at the event all delegates receive the official ADI Team Congress Programme and Exhibition Guide.
    1 x full-page 4-colour advertisement
  • Congress Programme - half page - £1,500 maximum of 2 companies (2 remaining)
    The essential event handbook! On arrival at the event all delegates receive the official ADI Team Congress Programme and Exhibition Guide.
    1 x half-page 4-colour advertisement
  • Insert within Delegate Bag - £1,500 maximum of 3 companies (3 remaining)
    Ensure all delegates receive your key message right at the beginning of the event.
    Provide a single page leaflet or small item to be inserted into the delegate bag.


  • Email - £1,500 maximum of 2 companies (1 remaining)
    Congress delegates in one of two dedicated emails sent either 1 week or 2 weeks before the event.
    Bright, colourful HTML email created and sent within ADI template, which can include a logo, photos and up to 400 words per email.

Promotional Material:

  • Delegate Writing Pads - £2,500 sole sponsorship
    A prime branding opportunity! Capture delegates' attention by sponsoring the writing pads available to all delegates and have your logo, with the ADI logo, on every page.
    Includes acknowledgement in Congress Programme and the website.
  • Delegate Pens - £2,000 sole sponsorship
    Have your logo, with the ADI logo, printed on good quality pens available to all delegates, which they will be sure to keep and use many times over.
    Includes acknowledgement in Congress Programme and the website.
  • Delegate Badges - £2,500 sole sponsorship
    Your logo will feature on every delegate badge, with the ADI logo, worn throughout the ADI Team Congress 2017.
    Includes acknowledgement in Congress Programme and the website.
  • Delegate Lanyards - £2,500 sole sponsorship
    Promote your logo, and stand number if you wish, on the lanyards alongside the ADI logo.
    Includes acknowledgement in Congress Programme and the website.
  • Printed Delegate Bag - £2,000 sole sponsorship
    Have your logo printed on the event delegate bags, with the ADI logo, which will be presented to all delegates.
    Using hardwearing bags that delegates are likely to keep for days, and events, to come.
    Includes acknowledgement in Congress Programme and the website.


  • ADI Team Congress Drinks Reception - £2,500 sole sponsorship
    Be sole sponsor of the drinks reception on the first night of the event to kick off the evening in style and align your company with this prominent event in the ADI Exhibition Hall.
    Includes acknowledgement in Congress Programme and the website.
  • ADI Team Congress Social Event: License to Thrill - £5,000 sole sponsorship
    Our main social night of the event – the party of the year! Either take the sole sponsorship (£5,000) or apply to share with one another sponsor for the evening (£2,500 each) where branding opportunities can include, but are not limited to
    - complimentary tickets for the social event (2 for sole/1 each for joint sponsorship)
    - your logo(s) in print on the menu
    - event tickets
    - specific branding opportunities such as giveaways on tables and themed items or themed lighting or drinks
    - includes acknowledgement in Congress Programme and the website

Click here to access the sponsorship opportunity booking form.

Please note: prices are subject to VAT.