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Pushing the Boundaries

Morita presents two unique lectures by three internationally renowned presenters.

CBCT is widely available and has dramatically changed our approach to restorative and implant dentistry. This ground breaking 2-part presentation by leaders in the fields of endodontics and implant dentistry, Shanon Patel and Andrew Dawood, will show how CBCT has transformed everyday diagnosis and treatment planning, and enhanced our ability to provide outstanding treatments for our patients.

Michael Norton’s lecture will consider the difficult issue of management of dental implants with peri-implantitis.  The presentation will focus on various therapies including use of the Morita AdvErl Evo Erbium YAG laser to decontaminate the implant and peri-implant defect.  It will focus on risks and complications and consider the alternative approaches of tissue regeneration versus pocket/defect elimination.


0800 – 0830
Welcome Coffee & Biscuits

0830 – 1015
Retaining teeth or replacing them with dental implants: How can CBCT help?
Shanon Patel BDS MSc MClinDent MFDS RCS MRD RCS
Specialist in Endodontics
Andrew Dawood MRD RCS MSc BDS
Specialist in Periodontics and Prosthodontics

1030 - 1200
Decontamination and treatment of infected implants
Michael Norton BDS FDS RCS (Ed)
Specialist In Oral Surgery
Adjunct Professor UPENN


3 hours 15 minutes of verifiable CPD.