Anabell Bologna

 Anabell Bologna

Anabell Bologna is a dentist who graduated from the UCV, Universidad Central de Venezuela, in 1996. In 1998, she started her training in the area of dental technology, participating in a Fellow in the Dental Laboratory Technician of the Prosthodontics Program at the University of Texas Houston, USA. She has done internships and training with recognized technicians in laboratories in Mexico, Brazil, USA and Europe. In 2016, she qualified as Dental Technician in the National Training Center for Dental Technicians, Cenatede, Caracas Venezuela. In the digital field, she has been trained in the Zirkonzahn system. She is a Certified Instructor in CEREC, by the ISCD, International Society of Computerized Dentistry, Vancouver, Canada 2011. She received DSD training from Christian Coachman in 2012 and has been an Amann Girrbach user since 2013.

Anabell has 22 years of clinical experience, working full time in private practice focused on cosmetic dentistry, oral rehabilitation and implants. She is an Associate Professor in the Graduate Aesthetic Program, in the Central University of Venezuela, and in the training center Sinergia Dental Instituto in Caracas, Venezuela. She has been a lecturer at numerous conferences and hands-on in universities and different scientific events. Anabell has also followed music and piano studies starting at the age of six, and concluded her piano degree at the Conservatory Jose Angel Lamas in Caracas Venezuela in 1993. She has also studied painting since the same age for more than ten years, and these studies have influenced her positively in her artistic sensibility for the lab work.

Qualifications: DDS DT