Old Problems and New Approaches to Care: Infection, Chronic Inflammation and Pain

Mark Cronshaw

 Mark Cronshaw

Control of infection with attendant pain and progressive loss of function is one of the challenges of the age. Given the resistance to treatment of resilient pathogenic biofilms, new approaches to care are required. Lasers and phototherapy offer many possible advantages to the appropriately trained clinician which can be of great benefit in eliminating infection as well as creating the necessary conditions for optimised healing and repair. The hygiene therapist has an essential role to play in the early identification and management of periodontal and peri-implant infection. The essential team approach to the management of adult chronic periodontitis and peri-implantitis requires frequent recare in susceptible patients with appropriate targeted intervention to arrest resurgent bacterial pathogens. Targeted intervention with diode or erbium lasers can be highly effective tools both for eliminating infection as well as promoting healing and repair. Also, phototherapy can offer a way forward to encourage patient compliance to recare.

Learning Objectives:

  • To understand the safety aspects of lasers and phototherapy
  • To learn about phototherapy as a tool to treat infection, promote healing and reduce pain
  • To receive an update on the science and evidence base for the management of lasers and periodontal and peri-implant infection
  • To lean about current and emergent approaches to the care of peri-implantitis