Do You Mind If I Vape? … Well Do We?

Elaine Tilling

 Elaine Tilling

We have more than sixty years of research which attests to the adverse health effects of smoking. Around half of all long-term smokers will die prematurely from its effects. Around 82% of mouth cancers are linked to smoking tobacco. Dental implants are five times more likely to fail in the first five years of placement in a smoker. The research into the health impact of vaping is much newer, but what we do know is that no serious or passive harm has yet been identified. With some e-cigarettes now a licensed part of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), this presentation will look at the use of nicotine in smoking cessation by explaining the role that e-cigarettes and vapes play in the long term goal of giving up smoking. Understanding the vaping culture and how vapes work will help delegates support patients wishing to give up smoking.

Learning Objectives:

  • To be aware of the new guidelines for NRT provision in accordance with the revised Harm Reduction Guideline
  • To understand how e-cigarettes work and our current understanding of their ‘safety’
  • To be able to support patients wishing to give up smoking tobacco in dental practice