Digital Artisans: Craftsmanship by Hand and Machine - How to Face the Digital Future without Fear!

Przemek Seweryniak

 Przemek Seweryniak

Simplicity is key and as a technician I always want to use as few tools as possible to get the results I want. When it comes to digital workflows we have lots of different tools that are provided from different manufacturers, companies and producers - what should we consider when going fully digital? Today we have possibilities to incorporate our design directly into the patient mouth or face at the time we design the new smile. 

This makes my life so much easier, more predictable and more efficient. We have the one tool we need in front of our eyes so why not use it. In this lecture I will demonstrate how to use the digital tools at hand in the most efficient way to do more, stress less and be more profitable.

Learning Objectives:

  • To get predictable outcomes with digital implant cases
  • To understand implant planning and temporaries in one go
  • To learn about digital waxups - no more wax techniques