Selecting Treatment Strategies in the Era of Evidence Based Medicine

Markus B Hürzeler

 Markus B Hürzeler

Modern implant dentistry continues to change, but the core question remains the same: do the latest trends really improve the final outcome? New developments only make sense if a clear benefit for the patient is realised. Unfortunately, we must often concede that new developments and new surgical techniques (i.e. platform switching, CAD/CAM technology, socket-seal-surgery, and more) do not live up to expectations. In this context, we need to define first what modern implant dentistry really means. Then, we need to demonstrate how can we achieve the goals. And at the end, what are the real benefits for the patients?   

Learning Objectives:

  • To understand the new trends in implant dentistry
  • To recognize the potential and the limitations of these new techniques
  • To integrate some biological understanding of the new technology to prevent failures