The New Gold Standard in Full-Arch Implant Restorations, Utilising High Performance Polymers and the BDT Technique

Phil Reddington

 Phil Reddington

This presentation will give an extensive overview of the latest developments and increased use of High Performance Polymers (HPPs) in implant dentistry. It will cover current indications and limitations of HPPs alongside future uses focusing on implant supported restorations, and will detail the history of HPPs’ use in general medical surgery prior to their use in the oral environment. The presentation will also touch on digital communication from lab to surgery and back again.

The lecture will also cover the application of the BDT Technique, a system that allows for increased predictability when applying the technique to full arch implant restorations. The technique will cover planning, production and realisation of the final prostheses utilising the latest developments of the technique.

The presentation will conclude with case studies highlighting the points covered throughout the lecture demonstrating the success of the materials and workflow when utilised correctly.

Learning Objectives:

  • To gain in depth knowledge of HPPs and their history
  • To learn the science behind the materials
  • To learn why they are becoming increasingly popular in implant dentistry
  • To understand when NOT to use HPPs
  • To understand the importance of communication throughout the dental team
  • To understand the fundamentals of the BDT Technique
  • To be ready to apply the knowledge in daily practice